Frequently Asked Questions

How to access Account Request Form
This form is to be used to request that a new account be created or an existing account be modified. The completed form must be submitted to Human Resources before the Technology Department can act on the request.

1. Go to the Edgefield County Schools web site.
Screen Shot 2015-04-17 at 9.55.17 AM Account request form
2. Hover the cursor over the "Offices" tab to see the choices of departments. Select the Human Resources button.
Screen Shot 2015-04-17 at 9.51.29 AM account request form

3. The Human Resources page will open. The contents of the page will be displayed on the right side.
Screen Shot 2015-04-17 at 9.52.12 AM account request form

4. Select the "Technology Account Request Form" to open the pdf document. Print out the form.
5. Scan the completed form and submit it to Human Resources. After the information has been verified, the Technology Department will act on the request.

The link to the Technology Account Request Form" is below.
Account Request Form

 Last updated Wed, Jan 27 2016 10:17am

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