Frequently Asked Questions

District and School Numbers
All South Carolina Counties have a state issued county number, Edgefield is 19. School districts are identified by the two digit county number followed by a two digit number for the district in the county starting with one. Edgefield has only one school district so our district number is 1901. Each school is also issued a three digit school number by the state, the following is a table of school information including the state school number. In some places the school number is used with the leading 0's and other places not.

STHS's full school number would be written as 1901002

This school number is used for things like the first part our district phone numbers etc.

School Number State School Number NAME ABBREVIATION Grade Range
2 002 Strom Thurmond High School STHS 9 to 12
3 003 Douglas Elementary School DES -2 to 5
5 005 Johnston Elementary School JES -2 to 5
8 008 Merriwether Elementary School MES -2 to 5
7 007 W. E. Parker Elementary School WEP -2 to 5
9 009 Johnston Edgefield Trenton Middle School JET 6 to 8
10 010 Merriwether Middle School MMS 6 to 8
507 507 Academic Recovery Camp ARC 0 to 8
498 498 Read to Succeed Summer Reading Camp R2S -1 to 6

 Last updated Wed, Sep 1 2021 5:18pm

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